

Following is a partial list of the classes I've taught in various venues. Join my mailing list to stay updated on current and  upcoming offerings.

The Writer Within

Sometimes the hardest part of writing is getting started. Use this class to get the pen moving and keep it going. Discover how the practice of writing (rather than the performance) can lead you to stories you didn’t even know you had to tell.  Stir memory and imagination with in-class exercises designed to wake up the writer within.

The Art of Revision: Where Catharsis Meets Craft

Explore what it means to re-vision a piece of prose—to apply craft to what may have begun as a cathartic release of emotion or capturing of story. How do we figure out when and why a piece needs to be reworked?  How do we “open up” a story?  How do we find a new structure for a story  in need? Use in-class writing exercises to overcome some of rewriting’s more formidable stumbling blocks, including breaking back into the text, letting go of what you love, and keeping the creative spirit alive in revision. Bring a “worked-on” draft, or a piece of promising free writing, or a notebook of writing, some of which you’d like to take to the next level.

Landscape and Memory

Landscapes are an essential element of our personal stories—the places we're from, the places we've visited, and the places that attract or repel us. Create new writing using both memory and observation and discover how writing about a landscape can answer the question Who am I?